Better Butter Management for the Kitchen!

This device is designed to portion butter sticks into tablespoons (T) and cups (C) that are stored at refrigerated temperatures of 40 °F or below. The device will accommodate both sizes of butter sticks found in the market.

If the desire is to saute or fry a raw food the plunger is used to push a butter stick partially out of the square end of the tunnel. Apply the butter stick to an area of the cooking surface adequate to cook the food. The same procedure is used to apply butter to cooked foods such as asparagus or corn-on-the-cob prior to service.

Measuring portions of butter for a recipe are prepared by pushing the butter stick out of the tunnel onto the measuring extension with marks indicating tablespoons and cups. Position the end of the stick of butter on the desired mark. Place a thin sharp knife against the end of the tunnel and cut the desired portion. When you combine a butter dish with the portioning device you can portion a whole stick of butter into 8individual tablespoons and place them in the covered dish stored at refrigerated (40F) temperature. This provides the cook with an instant supply of tablespoon portions for cooking and service.

Quality of butter is best maintained below 40 °F! An unportioned butter stick remaining in the tunnel is stored by placing the white covers on the ends of the tunnel and storing the tunnel in the refrigerator. The microwave oven provides a rapid method to change the temperature and texture of butter at 40 °F when melted butter is called for in the recipe or if improved spread ability for service at the table is desired. If the amount of butter remaining in the tunnel is not large enough to make the desired portion, an additional stick or butter is pushed against the portion in the tunnel and the combined sticks are pushed onto the measuring extension to the appropriate mark.

When whole sticks of butter are unwrapped and stored at room temperatures accurate measuring is not possible because the paper has been discarded and the shape of the butter has changed.

Landing Photo for Pats Portions

Contact Info

VM Holding LLC

North Logan, UT 84341

Patent & Trademark


Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Chunk Cookies


2/3 C butter

2/3 C brown sugar

2 large eggs

1 1/2 C Quaker oats

1 1/2 C flour

1 t baking soda

1 t salt

1 package (6oz) sweetened dry cranberries

2/3 C white chocolate chunks


  1. Preheat Oven to 375 F
  2. Beat butter and brown sugar until fluffy. Add eggs, mix well.
  3. Combine oats, flour, soda, salt. Add to butter mixture, mix well.
  4. Stir in cranberries and chocolate chunks.
  5. Bake 8 – 12 minutes until golden brown. Cool on rack.

Blueberry Buttermilk Scones


3 C Flour

3/4 C sugar

1 t salt

4 t baking powder

1 t baking soda

3/4 C shredded cold butter

1/2 C butter milk

2 C blue berries

2 eggs, beaten

2 t vanilla


  1. Preheat oven to 400 F.
  2. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt. Blend.
  3. Add shredded butter and mix to a texture of pea-size crumbs.
  4. Blend in berries.
  5. Refrigerate.
  6. Combine beaten eggs, buttermilk and vanilla.
  7. Combine with dry ingredients and knead on a flour surface into a ball.
  8. Press into an 8 inch disc and cut into 8 wedges. Place wedges on a sheet pan covered with parchment paper.
  9. Brush with egg/milk
  10. Refrigerate 15 minutes.
  11. Bake 30 minutes until lightly browned.